Monday, January 5, 2009

The holidays

I have neglected my blog. But with five kids at my house and a sick baby I think anyone could understand that.
Here is a bit of my time in Illinois for the holidays.

TW and Brys with the look.

Christmas time in a nutshell:
Freezing rain, skating rink in my driveway, baby with a cold, husband with a cold, flooding, 60 degree weather, tornado warning...'s damp dark basement with 9 kids, 4 dogs, 4 adults and one baby, one soupy poopy diaper and baby vomit down my leg. Could it really be December? How lovely!

Rita's diner. Patience made this on her new marker board. Love it!
canceled pizza night, pizza night resecheduled,

a ruptured ear drum, influenza b and nebulizer treatments -- my poor baby!

my poor baby didn't feel good. This was his First Christmas - more on that later. I plan to devote an entire entry to him later this week.
The case of the rubber flying cupcake that shoots flying icing....yum! Really Abby got this individual "cupcake" maker and she was sooooo excited. She arrived Christmas night and told everyone she was making desert. You mix a batter and put it in the microwave for about 30 seconds -- it came out looking like melted rubber cow patty. Then you put it on the "cupcake maker" which spins it around and adds icing through a tube at the top. In our case, Maria put the cupcake on the spinny deal and then it shot out and hit her in the chest and then the icing shot out at everybody too. So funny.

Aunt Rita with THE cupcake. Abby with THE rubber flying cupcake.
No one wanted to eat this scary cupcake. Not even Abby. But in good grandma fashion grandma Rita dug in.
Believe it or not it was actually a pretty enjoyable time. Hope everyone had a Great Holiday Season!

1 comment:

Nikki said...

I'm not trying to ruin your future Christmases, but my sister got sick EVERY YEAR on Christmas when she was a kid. I hope you have more luck than that!