Thursday, October 30, 2008

Thankful today

Last night

my son, as usual, had a very hard time going to sleep and staying asleep. After many ups I finally got him to sleep for the night and just held him and rocked in the rocking chair for a while because I love to cherish moments like those. He won't be this small forever. He is so sweet. I watched adorable smiles flicker across his sweet little face sometimes he even laughs in his sleep, so cute. I adore his chubby cheeks, little red lips and beautiful eyelashes. He is such a beautiful child. And despite all our sleeping problems and my frustrations over my complete lack of sleep I wouldn't trade a single moment.

I am thankful for ( in no particular order):

1. My husband he is so sweet and creative and patient with my crazy/hormonal spells. He likes to leave me these great little notes stuck to the fridge with a clothes pin.

2. My beautiful, healthy and big baby boy. He get's his sweet disposition from his father and his looks from ME of course. Oh and probably his sleep issues from me too.

3. My smart dog. I have started calling our walks strolls after I discovered she can spell walk. Plus she makes me feel safe in our spooky, creeky house.

Now the baby, dog and I are going to go for a walk, I mean stroll, and enjoy this fine day.