Tuesday, June 23, 2009

A year ago...

As Dawson's first birthday approaches I can't help but think about where I was a year ago especially after reading Nikki's blog post today. Her due date is very close to mine (only a year apart). Anyway I remember I was due on the 21st (a Saturday) and when I went into my appointment on that Friday Dr. V said if I didn't go into labor over the weekend they would induce me on Tuesday.

I was desperate to go into labor on my own so we tried just about EVERYTHING to bring it on but Dawson wouldn't budge. I was sooo uncomfortable and super swollen. I was scared to death but everything worked out all right in the end and now I have a beautiful baby boy who is almost one. I can't believe it.
I remember being so worn out from labor and the surgery (Nikki I won't share those details until after you have your little one, k?) and trying to breastfeed Dawson, which is unbelievably hard -- who knew! and he was fighting me with his little tiny hands and I was struggling to get everthing working when I said something to him. I don't even remember probably something like 'hey bud, just calm down" and he stopped fighting me, his little head snapped up and he met my eyes with this pure look of joy on his sweet little face, like there's my mom. And that was it, that was THE MOMENT when I just fell completly in love with my brand new baby.

That was probably the first time he heard my voice after he was born because I was like the 50th person to hold him. At first I was all bummed out because I never got to push and I wasn't the first one to hold him but it didn't matter because I was the one he was looking and listening for.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Wide Stance

When TW and I lived in Arkansas we loved to hang out at Barnes and Noble because we could pretend like we weren't in Arkansas ( you know somewhere where people actually like to read j/k, kinda). Anyway one Saturday I was in the bathroom at B&N when the lady in the stall next to me started waving toilet paper at me under the stall partition.

I decided to ignore this strange behavior because I had nooo idea what she wanted. Next thing I know she's sticking her foot under the divider and over on my side. I was like oh my better hurry up and get the heck out of here. Then she starts rubbing her shoe against mine and I was like get me outta here! And she says, "Sorry, I have a wide stance." As she giggles hysterically in her stall.

I responded with a gasp, I think. And then silence.

Then I hear, "Charlotte?!? Charlotte?!? Charlotte where are you," panic streaked through her voice.

"I'm over here mom," Charlotte responded.

"In the stall next to me," mom asked hopefully.

"Nope over in the corner stall," she said.


This was followed by nervous laughter for all of us. By this point I was coming out to wash my hands and Charlotte and her mother apologized profusely and explained she was making fun of the Sen. Larry Craig bathroom incident. I laughed and laughed. I thought it was great, strange but very funny.

TW was waiting for me outside and thought it was very strange when I walked out with these ladies all of us laughing. And he got a kcik out of it too when I explained.

So this one goes out to Charlotte's mom whoever you are, wherever you are, you made my day with your strange bathroom behavior and good sense of humor. Thanks for the foot rub!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


I must have the BEST HUSBAND in the world! Find out more about him here.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Greeting the Day

My sweet pea's birthday month is here! A year has really flown by so quickly. Dawson has changed and grown so much in such a short amount of time. He was 8 lbs 12 oz at birth and has quickly grown to 27 lbs at 11 months! He wears size 5 diapers and 18-24 month clothes. He is a BIG boy. He has 7 teeth and two more about to come through.

And he has learned so many new skills. One Sunday morning (May 3 -that's for me to remember such an important date) I came in to get him up from his nap and there he was laying on his stomach with the bumper pad pulled down so that he could watch the kids jumping on the trampoline outside his window. His bedroom is on the second floor and both windows look down at the play area, a trampoline, swing set, etc. Anyway, I thought this was probably the cutest thing ever. So I stood him up and helped him hold onto the crib so he could see them better. He got so excited and started yelling and smiling at the kids.

I opened the window and got the kids' attention. Caleb, Patience, Josh and Brys saw him and got all excited too they waved and yelled hello to him. He LOVED this. (He LOVES his older siblings very, very much and they feel the same way about him) And then it all began. His crib, once just for sleeping became the best toy ever. Patience and Brys and then Josh too came up to see him and Dawson thought this was awesome. Grandma Gina and Rita came to watch too. This kid is at his best with an audience. He took off falling and bouncing in his crib, kicking his legs, pulling himself back up only to fall all over again. The more people laughed and cheered him on the wilder he got. He had a blast. And when he hit his head on the bars he would just laugh and get back up. I marvel at what a tough little guy he is.

A couple of weeks ago we gave him corn on the cob. I took a bite to show him what to do and then let him try some. Dawson LOVES corn on the cob. He couldn't get enough. It was so cute and so funny. He went to town on that corn. I love his excitement for learning new skills and about new things in his world. He is so full of wonder for everything. Like TW says he can give me a such a fresh perspective on the world.

This morning when he woke up I came in to get him. I picked him up and was ready to hurry down the stairs to mainline some coffee but he cried when I went towards the door. Right now his vocabulary is pretty limited (mama, dada and a few other phrases we think sound like words but we're not too sure) so it's always a guessing game to figure out what he wants. I thought maybe back in the crib to play? Nope. Down to play with his toys? Nope.

And then I remembered. He loves for me to scoot his crib back so that he can stand by the south facing window and look outside. Once I did that he was happy. He stood pounding the window and smiling.

At bedtime I always hold him and we look out the west window and say goodnight to the day. "Night-night trees, night-night birds, night-night grass, night-night trampoline, etc..."
Then we read our stories, listen to music, rock in the chair while he nurses and then it's off to dreamland.

After he goes to sleep I have to confess I love to look at him. He looks so sweet. Booty in the air, his sweet little cherub mouth and those long lashes against his adorable chubby cheeks. I can't get enough of him. Before I leave the room I always look out the west window one more time. It has the best view of the fading day.

Our night-night routine is one I've established and his morning routine of looking out the window is one he has established. I guess that's just his way of greeting the day.