Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Out of the rut!

I am finally out of the mommyhood rut!

Dawson has slept through the night! Wow I am amazed thank you Dr. C!! Thank you for patiently talking me through it. And thank you sweet, beautiful baby boy for being such a wonderful little baby!(even when we had the sleeping problems)

After three nights of letting Mr. Dawson cry himself back to sleep he slept through the night Sunday night. Amazing. Now we just have to work on naps and teaching him to put himself to sleep at bedtime. But I am now headed back towards sanity and it feels great!

Today is a good day...

Mr. Dawson is at Daycare (I miss him so much when he goes :( but I get to have dates and sleep :)

So TW and I met for coffee at Flavors. This man + carmel machiato = yummy happiness!

I picked TW up from the library where he was hanging out with the coolest group of men. Seriously a really great group of men. Most are in their 60s or older and they meet at the coffee shop in the basement of the library every Tuesday for coffe, some tall tales and good company.
This morning they brought Christmas goodies and all sat around eating and sharing their goods. When I came in everyone greeted me with smiles and warmth and Fred invited us out to dinner with he and his wife. Very nice. I look foward to that becasue Fred is a pretty cool guy so I bet his wife is too, well not a guy but a cool lady.
In a little bit I'll pick TW up at the office and head to the joint Kiwanis/Rotary lunch. Fun I get to do grown up things today with my cute hubby.

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