Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Sleepless nights

No naps
Recently I have hit a low point in the motherhood journey. Because my now almost 6-month old son Never sleeps. He does not nap for longer than 20 minutes during the day - although on a good day sometimes he makes it 45 min. This has been going on since about 6 weeks of age.

Up all night
At night he is up every hour or more. Sometimes every 20 minutes. The best we do at night is two hours. This has been going since about 3 months and each month it gets progressivly worse.

Needless to say I am exhausted! How do I get him to sleep? Our doctor looked at me like I was a silly first time mom and kept telling Dawson "You've got mommy wrapped around your little finger." Like it is my fault. I told her how often he is up and then told her he is going to daycare two days a week now so that I can get some sleep. And then she said oh is it really that bad? Did she not hear me say every 20 minutes? She said just let him scream it out he can scream for hours.

First of all.. Not a fan of this technique. Second IT'S NOT WORKING!!!

So first on my agenda find a new dr who listens to me. And ask for help!! Does anyone else have this problem? What have you done to get your baby to sleep better? I can use all the good advice I can get.

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