Wednesday, January 14, 2009

3 am chocolate milk

TW had to go into the paper from midnight to 3am last night to deal with some circulation probs. Not a fan of being in the house by myself at night. I know that makes me a wienie. So I didn't sleep well plus I had a horrible case of restless leg!

When he came home at 3 I had the little guy in bed with me because he threw up all over himself and his crib. Dawson woke up when TW came in so I had TW rock him while I changed his sheet. Poor little guy!

Then TW and I were both so wide awake we headed to the kitchen for some chocolate milk...reminds me of my pregnancy but with company. It was nice sitting on the loveseat in our underwear sippin some good ole 3 am chocolate milk and sharing the details of our night.

This morning when Dawson woke up he had thrown up again oh plus he still has diahrea. Poor, poor little munchkin. Drs aren't too worried though.

Right now TW is rocking the munchkin back to sleep for the millionth time tonight. What a good husband! Thanks for saving my sanity baby!

1 comment:

Nikki said...

Yikes! Vomiting and diarrhea?! I'm sure the doctor told you a million times, but beware of dehydration! I hope he gets well soon.