Thursday, February 5, 2009

The adorable Dawson

Meet Mr. Dawson.
Name: Dawson Mathias

Age: 7 months

Weight: 24 lbs

Eye Color: Beautiful blue

Nicknames: Giggle MOnkey, Little D, Munchkin, Chunky Monkey, Bud

Hobbies: laughing, giggling at my dad, charming all the ladies (they just can't resist my blue eyes and sweet cheeks), smiling at all the ladies and laughng at all the ladies.

Likes: Mommy's singing, playing with my dadda, nursing, tickling, pretty ladies, pinching people, pulling mommy's hair (it's the best when she squeals OUCH!), my bunny rabbit, my dog memphis, my grandma and my brothers and sister.

Dislikes: Mooing - don't moo at me it makes me cry! Loud people, being apart from my mommy, and strange men.

Favorite food: Milk or anything mommy and daddy are eating.

Favorite movie: Baby Einstein: World of colors

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